by The King Tides
Gautama is the 2nd release by The King Tides, Orlando musician Jeremy Zorn's songwriting vehicle. The EP is comprised of a suite of 5 songs that tell the story of the life of The Buddha. Jeremy sang and played some guitar, bass, and synth. Chris Vallone plays lots of guitar, piano, bass, violin, and drums. Thanks to Raehn Debell, Joey Bonatakis & Elliott Countess. Mastered by West West Side Music.
New Music Coming Soon — 10/18/2024 Released 2024

Album tracks

  • 1
    In the Palace (clip)
    The King Tides
  • 2
    Four Signs (clip)
    The King Tides
  • 3
    Deprivation (clip)
    The King Tides
  • 4
    The Middle Way (clip)
    The King Tides
  • 5
    Beneath the Bodhi Tree (clip)
    The King Tides
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